The 5th Indonesian Conference
"The Strategy of Creative Economy Development Through Small Business and Culture"
August 18-19th, 2021
Creative Economy Based on Culture and Local Wisdom
Registration Fee
Presenter IDR. 250.000 / $.20Participant Free
Payment Via ATM/Mobile Banking to
Bank BRI No.Rek 0044-01-014654-53-6 a/n STIE Widya Gama Lumajang
Payment Confirmation via Whatsapp :
1. Imanita ( +62 89616717913)
2. Riza Bahtiar( +62 85258755461)
Important Date for Submission
Full Paper | Start May 1st - July 30th, 2021 |
Acceptance letter | August 17th, 2021 |
Revision and Payment Limits | August 17th, 2021 |
Appreciation for Best Paper
Best 10 paper will be published in National Journal and International JournalWELCOME SPEECH & SPEAKERS
Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A, M.B.A.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic Indonesia
Abdullah Azwar Anas, S.Pd., S.S., M.Si.
The Regent of Banyuwangi (2010-2020)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprapto, DEA.
Coordinator LLDIKTI VII
Dr. Ratna Wijayanti DP, S.E., M.M.
Chairman of STIE Widya Gama Lumajang
Fatma Zehra
Karabuk University, Turkey
Mr. Pelagio
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Calamba, Laguna. Philippines
Hestu Wibowo
Head of Bank Indonesia Jember
Dr. Achmad Fathoni Rodli, M.Pd
President of Ahli Dosen Republik Indonesia(ADRI)
Dr. Ir. Sri Wihoho Mudjanarko, M.T.
Chairman of ADRI East Java Region
Dr. Edy Supriyono, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA.
Chairman of Asosiasi Dosen Akuntansi Indonesia (ADAI), Central Java Region
Dr. Arfan Ikhsan Lubis, S.E., M.Si.
Chairman of Asosiasi Dosen Akuntansi Indonesia (ADAI)
Dr. Muhammad Miqdad, S.E., M.M., Ak., CA.
Chairman of I.S.E.I Jember
Dr. Meithiana Indrasari, S.T., M.M.
Regional Director of ICSB East Java
Rendra Wirawan, S.E., M.M.
UKM IKM Nusantara Jawa Timur
Prof. Dra. Indah Susilowati, M.Sc., Ph.D.
University Diponegoro, Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Si., Ak., CA.
Head of the Study Program for Doctoral Programin Economics, Sebelas Maret University
Prof. Dr. Grahita Chandrarin, M.Si., Ak., CA.
Director of Postgraduate Program at Merdeka University Malang
Prof. Dr. Isti Fadah, M.Si.
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember
Dr. Elvera, S.E., M.Sc.
Rector ITBis Lembah Dempo
Dr. Suwignyo Widagdo, S.E., M.M., M.P.
Chairman of STIE Mandala Jember
Dr. Andi Mursidi, M.Si
Chairman of STKIP Singkawang
Dr. Yudi Sutarso, S.E., M.Si.
Rector of Hayam Wuruk Perbanas University Surabaya
Prof. Dr. Dyah Sawitri, S.E., M.M.
Rector of Gajayana University Malang